
4.7 ( 6437 ratings )
Sportovní Vzdělávání
Vývojář: Jesse Rothenberg

Successful goal setting starts with writing your goals down and reading them everyday. A goal not written is just a thought or a dream.

My Goal Mine teaches Student Athletes to set SMART Goals. The biggest problem with Goal Setting is that unless there is a mechanism to hold people accountable it stops. This platform is their mechanism, and once they learn how to set goals it’s a tool they will be able to reference for life.

Specific - You have a greater likelihood of accomplishing a goal that is specific over a goal that is too general. As an example, I want to get good grades is too general, the SMART goal would be I will read two hours a day for four weeks.
Measurable - It is important that your goals be measurable, otherwise it will be difficult to judge your progress towards achievement. In the goal above we specified two hours and that can be measured.
Achievable - Stretch goals are good – it is good to challenge yourself. However it is important that you not set a stretch goal so big that it is not attainable. Dont set a goal to read 10 hours if you only have 11 hours available. As an example if you only have one week to go from a 2.0 to a 4.0 it is not likely to be achieved. Set Achievable Goals, stretch yourself, but make them achievable.
Realistic - Goals have to be realistic. In other words you have to be willing to put in the work to achieve the goal. The more difficult the goal the more commitment is required. When you accomplish goals self-confidence increases and self-efficacy increases.
Timely - A goal must have a target date for achievement, otherwise it is just a wish. Having a target date will help keep you focused when "life gets in the way." In our example goal above, we write I will read 2 hours for the next four weeks.